Package com.zion.jbuddy.bots

Classes used to build an interactive bot.


Interface Summary
BotCall A call that can be executed by the engine.

Class Summary
BotAction An external process carried out by the bot engine.
BotActionResultType Available action result types.
BotActionTask An external task that can be called from bot actions.
BotActionType Available action types.
BotAddBuddyCall Adds a user to a client's buddy list.
BotAddDenyCall Adds a user to a client's deny list.
BotAddPermitCall Adds a user to a client's permit list.
BotCallSet A set of calls.
BotClient Used by the bot engine to communicate with external networks.
BotContent Sends content to a user.
BotDateTimeStyle Available date/time styles.
BotEngine Acts as a bot, processing user input and generating responses.
BotEventHandler An event handler.
BotEventHandlerSet A set of event handlers.
BotEventType Available event types.
BotExcludeFilter Tells the engine NOT to allow events that match this filter.
BotFile Sends a file to a user.
BotFilter Tells the engine to allow (or disallow) events based on patterns.
BotFilterSet A set of filters.
BotGateway Provides functionality to a bot via an external network or source.
BotHTMLTidyMode Available HTML Tidy modes.
BotHTTPCompressionType Available HTTP compression types.
BotHTTPMethod Available HTTP/1.1 methods.
BotIncludeFilter Tells the engine to allow events which match this filter.
BotLogLevel Available log levels.
BotMenu Organizes targets (and other menus) into a hierarchy.
BotMessage Sends a message to a user.
BotParameter Asks a user for input.
BotParameterType Available parameter types.
BotPasswordEncrypter A command-line utility used to encrypt client passwords.
BotPatternSet A set of patterns.
BotRemoveBuddyCall Removes a user from a client's buddy list.
BotRemoveDenyCall Removes a user from a client's deny list.
BotRemovePermitCall Removes a user from a client's permit list.
BotRoute Routes are used to transfer call processing to clients/users that may not have been involved with the initial command or event.
BotRouteSet A set of routes.
BotRunner A command-line utility used to run a Bot Definition File.
BotSetPermitModeCall Sets a bot's permit mode.
BotSetStatusCall Sets a bot's status.
BotStatistics Various statistics.
BotTarget A group of calls executed by the engine in response to an event.
BotTargetSet A set of targets.
BotTester A command-line utility used to test a Bot Definition File.
BotUser Represents a bot user session.

Package com.zion.jbuddy.bots Description

Classes used to build an interactive bot.

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Copyright 2000-2008 Zion Software, LLC All Rights Reserved.